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Bilona Ghee – The Best Desi Ghee Brands in India in 2024

best desi cow ghee in india

About The Author

Hello! From Chuchura (in Hooghly District) and a foodie, I created this blog with a mission to preserve the food of the land; with a message to encourage and promote clean and real food. I hope you enjoy and gain out of this blog, happy reading!

Looking forward to read and hear your feedback.

TLDR: Bilona ghee, mentioned in Indian Hindu scriptures, is the most authentic and purest form of ghee available on Planet Earth. This blog explains what the basics of bilona ghee, what makes it superior to the usual ghee available in the market, how to identify real desi ghee, and the best brands available in Indian market.

A dollop of your childhood, the smell of our grandmother’s and mother’s care in our steaming rice. A jar of ghee is much more of that. And if it is bilona ghee, then it is an added bonus.

What You Will Learn Here

Editor’s Note: It is better to consume a spoon of real bilona ghee (having numerous health benefits) once in a week, than to consume commercially produced ghee with health hazards every day.

Ghee is almost a synonym for Indian culinary traditions and religious rituals.

Besides, it holds significance in the ancient alternative medicine practice of India, aka Ayurveda.

A variation of clarified butter made from cow or buffalo milk; ghee carries a ton of nutritional value, from antioxidant to vitamins. Ghee is a healthy fat, and the right portion of the best ghee in India can beat obesity.

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Bilona Ghee – Making Ghee in the Traditional Way

The best ghee is either a home made ghee or one that follows the traditional method of making it.

The word ‘ghee’ derives from the Sanskrit word ‘ghṛita’ which means ‘sprinkled’.

In the Hindu culture ghee is considered very pure and sacred, and references of the same can be found in the vedas and scriptures.

It signifies auspiciousness, prosperity and abundance.

According to the vedas the perfect day to prepare ghee is purnima (the full moon day), as it is considered that the cosmic position on that day energizes the quality of the milk and its preparation.

According to the vedas, the type of the cow, the quality of the food intake and of course the freshness of the milk determines the quality, color and taste of the ghee.

The vedas have described the method of making desi ghee from cow milk, which is called Bilona Method.

The Bilona Method of Making Ghee

In this method, bilona ghee is to be made from cultured butter that separates from churning curd. The process undergoes 5 different stages.

Step 1: Removing the Cream

Fresh milk from the desi cows is boiled on a low heat till a thick cream forms on the surface. The milk is cooled. The cream from the surface is discarded.

Step 2: Forming the Curd

A spoonful of stored curd or lemon juice is added to the milk and kept overnight to set the curd. Traditionally before setting the curd, the milk has to be transferred in a deep earthen pot.

Churning process begins the next day.

Step 3: Making Butter

Churning the Curd for Best Indian Ghee Using Bilona Method
Churning the curd to separate butter from butter milk.
Image Source:

The curd is churned by a wooden churner using clockwise and anti-clockwise motions. This is a lengthy process and is called bilona. Eventually, the butter(or makhan) gets separated, while the liquid left behind is called buttermilk.

Step 4: Making the Bilona Ghee

The butter is then boiled on a medium flame.

Once the butter comes to a boil, the flame is reduced. After a considerable amount of time, all the water evaporates, the butter starts turning clear and the milk solids settle at the bottom.

Once you smell the aroma you know that it’s ready. The time span of this step determines the aroma and flavor of the bilona ghee.

Step 5: Separating the Ghee

Then the milk solids are removed by straining the pure bilona ghee before being stored in a container.

Ayurveda on Ghee & Bilona Method

Over the past several months, I have read on Ayurveda, practiced it and got treated to cure long-standing health issues that Allopathy could not cure. I have written it in details and you can read them here and here.

Ayurveda encourages the use of ghee, however, says that it should be consumed in moderation.

The texts suggest performing Purvakarma, which means having ghee on an empty stomach.

You may also have a spoon of ghee with your meals and use it in moderation while cooking. Of course, ensure that your ghee isn’t adulterated which is extremely common in Indian markets today.

Health Benefits of the Best Bilona Ghee in India in 2024

If the best ghee in India has been consumed in the right quantity, studies ratify that it can help in absorbing the necessary vitamins, minerals and other nutrients from food.

  • Promotes a healthier heart and help reduce cholesterol levels
  • Improves gut health, aids the digestion system
  • Aids in improving immunity and has anti-inflammatory properties
  • Combats obesity, strengthens bones and promotes eyesight
  • Treats thyroid dysfunction

The Commercial Ghee Available in Shops Today

The primary ingredient used to manufacture most commercial ghee is unsalted butter or white butter.

This butter is first melted on a low heat. This is then transferred into the boiler. Then the temperature is turned to high (80 or 90 degrees Celsius using steam pressure) and increased to around 115 degrees.

The scum that forms on the top surface is removed in between.

When the water content completely evaporates, fat spurts up. Small air bubbles appear on the surface of the liquid, the curd solids turn brown and sediments at the bottom as the ghee cools down.

This is filtered and packaged.

Why Is Ghee Available Today in Shops and Malls Bad for Body?

The heat at which ghee is manufactured destroys most nutrients in the process. The machine-made ghee lacks most of the vitamins and minerals.

Besides, the store-bought ghee is harmful most of the time as the brands add preservatives and artificial fragrances to enhance the shelf life and taste. This adulteration is harmful for your health.

Not to forget many commercial brands produce ghee from milk fat which contains saturated fat, increasing the chance of incurring heart disease.

Is Your Store Bought Ghee Pure – How to Test?

Pure A2 bilona cow ghee is golden or yellowish in color. However, most of the brands swindle customers by adding artificial color and flavor.

Here are some ways to ensure that your ghee is pure and not adulterated.

  1. Check if the product is declared a natural product, free from preservatives, synthetic additives and artificial color or flavors
  2. Check if the milk is used to procure the ghee is from 100% certified grass-fed cows
  3. Before purchasing, read the list of ingredients carefully. Many brands are adding vegetable oil, coconut oil, etc. and deceiving customers like you by selling vanaspati or dalda
  4. Pure desi cow ghee is expensive and should cost you over a thousand and half bucks in Indian rupees

Thanks to technology, brands also engineer their product to ensure that it becomes next to impossible to find how pure a ghee is. In case you want to check an already purchased jar of ghee, here is some tips and tricks –

  1. Heating Method: The easiest method is to put a spoonful of ghee in a hot pan. If it melts immediately and turns brownish, it means you bought the right product. If it turns yellowish, it indicates adulteration
  2. Sugar Method: Melt a teaspoon of ghee and pour it into a transparent bottle. Put some sugar in it, close the lid and shake the bottle. Allow to stand for about 5 to 8 minutes. If you find red colored sediments at the bottom of the bottle then the product contains impurities and vegetable oil
  3. Double Boiler Method: To check if the product contains coconut oil, add a spoon of ghee into a glass bowl and heat that using the double boiler technique. Transfer the liquid to a bottle and refrigerate for a few hours. If the portion gets divided into two layers, it indicates the presence of other oils in it
  4. Iodine Method: Add a few drops of iodine in some melted ghee and if you see any purple color in the liquid, it indicates the existence of starch in it. Sorry, your ghee is impure!
  5. Flavor Check Method: Pure cow bilona ghee appears nutty in flavor and yellowish–golden in color.

Preparing the Best Ghee in India at Home – Possible?

Normally, it takes 30 liters of milk to produce 1 litre of ghee using the Bilona method. This ghee can be stored at room temperature, without refrigeration.

To make cow ghee at home using bilona method, you would need pure cow’s milk, a deep bottomed earthen pot and a hand blender. Even a food processor works fine.

This is a time consuming and laborious process and hence difficult for working professionals to prepare at home, nevertheless it is an experience.

However, this traditional form of preparing ghee is still followed by smaller enterprises and their products are sold online, so you can get them at your doorstep in a few clicks from the comfort of your home.

Why Is Desi A2 Bilona Cow Ghee Expensive?

You must have always read about the health benefits of desi cow ghee and wondered why ghee from desi cow is so expensive.

Firstly, an Indian cow of desi breed has an average daily yield of 6 to 8 liters. However, a jersey cow may produce around 20 liters.

Secondly, and most importantly, it takes anywhere between 20 to 25 liters of milk to produce 1 kg of ghee through the bilona method.

Thirdly, the ghee produced using bilona method is done manually intensive and it is time consuming, whereas any other ghee is made using machines in a much shorter time duration.

All these factors make the cost of desi cow ghee using bilona method quite expensive.

Or why is ghee from desi bilona method so costly?

Buffalo Ghee – A Short Discourse

Buffalo ghee is white in color with a pleasant nutty caramelized flavor.

One of the most asked questions around ghee is about how healthy and useful buffalo ghee is.

According to ayurveda, buffalo ghee has a

  • Buffalo ghee improves skin and enhances skin complexion.
  • Good for eyes
  • Calms vata, pitta and improved kapha
  • Useful in bleeding due to piles and other intestinal problems.

However, buffalo ghee is heavier to digest than cow ghee and hence you may consume it if you are physically more active. If you are maintaining a sedentary lifestyle, then moderate intake of cow ghee (one teaspoon a day with freshly cooked rice) is permissible.

Buffalo ghee has higher fat content and may be useful if you are trying to gain weight.

It is rich in magnesium, phosphorous and potassium.

Buffalo ghee also has a longer shelf life than cow ghee. It is also more affordable when compared to cow ghee.

Desi cow ghee is always better than buffalo ghee – for babies and pregnant women alike.

The Top Bilona Ghee Brands in India in 2024 – Our Recommendations

Here are a few recommendations based on what we have shared earlier and what we know.

1. Anveshan A2 Cow Ghee (Recommended Bilona Ghee)

The Anveshan cow ghee is prepared with the milk collected from the free-ranging Harlikar Indian desi cows found in Karnataka. This milk has an uncommon golden tinge with a sweet taste.

They follow the traditional hand-churned method. Instead of obtaining fats from cream, the milk is first boiled and then curdled. Curd and water are slowly churned bi-directionally as per the vedic process. The creamiest elements rise to the surface. Heating this butter on a slow flame brings the nutrient-rich and desi ghee.


2. Gir Organic A2 Pure Cow Ghee

This brand is in business since 1990. Gir Organic Pure Cow Ghee is made from 100% A2 cultured Gir desi grass-fed cow’s milk in their NPOP certified farm.

They produce nutritious, healthy and pure cow ghee by following the organic and traditional bilona method to produce one of the best ghee in India in 2024.

This ghee is packed with nutritive fatty acids, an ideal fat source. It keeps the body healthy and increases its potency.

A2 cultured cow ghee is gluten-free, easy to digest and safe for people with lactose or casein sensitivities. Unlike regular milk, milk from A2 cows contains A2 protein, which is healthier and safer than A1 protein.

This ghee contains nutrients such as omega 6, calcium, iron, sodium and fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E.

It is beneficial in several dietary options such as Keto, Paleo, Gluten-Free, Ayurveda, Whole30, FODMAP, GMP.

3. Jiva A2 Gir Cow Ghee

This brand represents Ayurvedic wisdom. It balances the vata and pitta doshas.

Jiva A2 Gir Ghee is authentic desi ghee made from the milk of A2 Gir Cows. They promise maximum nutrients and high quality.

The ghee is made using the traditional bilona churning process to retain macro and micro-nutrients. The ghee contains no added preservatives, color or flavor.

It rejuvenates the mind and body while offering numerous health benefits.

This ghee improves strength and stamina. It can use in food and on the skin too.

They even offer a helpline to consult a Jiva doctor for any health-related query.

4. Vedic A2 Gir Cow Ghee

Vedic Ghee is a pure A2 Gir cow ghee and made from milk collected from grass-fed desi Gir cows. Grazing on green pastures make the milk of desi Gir cows like a nectar.

The farm cows are fed Moringa, Shatavari and Ashwagandha to increase the milk quality.

This ghee is typically prepared by following the Ayurvedic process of two way churning the cultured curd with a wooden churner (bilona). Butter produced by churning the curd is then slowly heated to remove the milk solids. The result is a delicious, flavorful healthy ghee that is easily digested.

They make the product in small batches to assure quality. An ideal controlled condition is maintained to set the curd. Vedic ghee is free from pesticides and chemicals.

This ghee is blessed with major nutrition, balanced omega 3 to omega 6 ratio and conjugated linoleic acid.

It enhances physical and mental strength for a balanced and active lifestyle. With its pleasant aroma and flavor, this ghee makes every dish in your home satiating and delicious.

5. Two Brothers Organic Farms Cultured A2 Desi Ghee

Two Brothers Organic Farms allow the cows to freely and happily graze on grass.

The cows are milked by hand and the ghee is made in small batches on wood fires, churned at dawn hours for the highest quality of ghee; following the vedic-era Bilona method.

A very good aspect of the organization is that the calves are fed their share of milk before the cows are milked.

The ghee has medium sized, semolina/rawa-like granules which is a sign of superior quality ghee. Granularity or texture of ghee is as important as its color and taste when buying a bottle of Ghee.

Available in packaging of 250 ml to 5 kg, the ghee comes in glass packaging.

Two Brothers Organic Farm (TBOF) is a bio-diverse, organic agriculture ecosystem that operates on the principles of regenerative farming, allowing to care for the soil and yield seasonal food naturally in abundance.

The ghee is shipped globally.

6. Talegaon Farms

The delicious and aromatic ghee is made using the traditional bilona method.

To maintain the rich, creamy and healthy quality, they encourage their farmers to practice free grazing of cows, so that the cows are happy and healthy. It ensures the milk is high in nutrition.

The brand also works toward educating the farmers for better production.

They help them to produce the right kind of raw material. They provide the knowledge to develop skills and tools for producing excellent quality products.

The brand helps farmers to develop processes and systems to maintain the quality and hygiene standards. They give them access to markets for all the products co-created with the brand.

7. Vediko Origins Desi A2 Cow Ghee

This brand has vowed to produce pure and authentic A2 cow ghee. They collect milk from all the major types of Indian desi cows including Gir, Sahiwal, Red Sindhi, Haryanvi.

The ghee is made through the bilona method to make ghee from curd instead of malai or cream. The ghee has a smooth, creamy texture and rich, nutty flavor. It is free from artificial colors,

They aim to educate farmers to switch from conventional farming to organic farming, which ensures a better quality product. They also help in increasing production levels and achieve profitability.

The ghee helps sustain healthy microbes in the gastrointestinal tract to promote effective digestion and elimination. It nourishes all the tissues of the body, including the nervous system, translating into calm energy throughout the day.

8. Himalayan Natives

This ghee is pure and organic A2 cow ghee. It is made from free-ranging grass-fed desi Himalayan Badri cows following 100% authentic Vedic process.

The ghee contains high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids that have numerous benefits for heart health. In grass-fed cow ghee, Conjugated Linoleic Acid contains fat-burning abilities.

9. Bilona Ghee from Shree Radhey

Since 2015 this brand is making pure cow ghee using the traditional bilona method.

They are one of the oldest dairy farms manufacturing nutritional, rich, creamy, and healthy organic cow ghee. This 100% natural ghee is made from 100% natural fresh A2 cows’ milk from specially selected indigenous cows.

Their products are NABL accredited laboratory tested, with no preservatives, additives or colors.

10. Kapiva A2 Ghee

This brand normalizes the inconsistency in the flavour and color, as it varies across batches based on the food intake of the cows. They believe in a hard way of achieving the best result.

The A2 Desi Cow Ghee is procured from the milk of the Tharparkar cows – a cow breed indigenous to the Thar Desert of India. These cows are grass-fed. They are not factory-farmed, they are free from cross-breeding, which ensures the quality.

They follow the 3000-year-old Vedic process (bilona) to make the best ghee in India.

The bilona ghee contains a beta-casein protein that’s supremely rich in nutrients. It is well-suited for people with lactose insensitivities. Since it is hand-churned, the body can easily digest this ghee. Add a dollop of this desi ghee to your roti for a scrumptious lunch.

11. Boldveda A2 Desi Gir Cow Ghee

Prepared using the authentic bilona method in clay pots, the ghee is WHO GMP certified.

The ghee has incredible flavors and increases potency, while being keto and paleo diet friendly.

Suitable for adults and kids, the ghee comes in glass packaging and is an attractive gift item to your near and dear ones as well.

Dinesh Karthik is a brand ambassador as you would find on the Amazon listing page.

Desi Cow Ghee which is coined as the “Golden Medicine” of Ayurvedic healing, isn’t just rich in taste, but also substantially healthier.

12. Pure Whites A2 Desi Bilona Cow Ghee

It’s not merely organic, it’s ancient and vedic – proclaims the brand while telling its customers that the ghee is manufactured in Bhagirath, a village that is 95 kilometers from Bikaner in Rajasthan.

The brand takes due care to ensure that the cows are kept happy and contended. The calves have get the first priority when it comes to the milk, while the rest is kept for the village and customers.

The desi ghee from Pure Whites is ethical in nature and the process involving bilona method helps to make this ghee on of the most sought after and best ghee in India in 2024.

13. Nirvan Farms Pure Buffalo Desi Ghee

Started in 1960, Nirvan Farms have been consistenly making buffalo ghee for more than six decades now. The buffalo ghee is available in packing between 500 ml and 2 liters.

The buffalos are of superior breed and thanks to the policy of timely food, free to move and free to relax, the milk quality is of highest quality.

14. 24 Karat A2 Buffalo Desi Ghee

Produced using the bilona method, the 24 Karat buffalo desi ghee is available in packaging ranging from 200 ml to 1 liter.

Unlike many other brands, they do not source the milk from other farms. They own their farm and hence are able to consistently cater to the expectation of high quality of buffalo ghee.

They make use of approximately 16 liters of milk to produce 1 liter of desi ghee.

Concluding Words

The best bilona ghee in India in 2024 should promote your health and well-being without compromising on the flavor.

The best way to achieve this is to ensure the well being of cows, and treat them well while allowing them enough space to move about and graze on grass.

Once milk is extracted from the cow, the process of ghee production should be ethical where the nutrients are preserved and practices like bilona method is followed.

In an era of life-threatening diseases and the coronavirus, it is important to read wisely, think deeply and eat mindfully.

22 thoughts on “Bilona Ghee – The Best Desi Ghee Brands in India in 2024”

  1. Pingback: Mighty Guide to Little / Kutki Millets: Cooking Mastery, and More!

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    1. Hello Saloni, thank you for sharing this information with us. We have modified the information on our website. The method of preparation of ghee and the way cows are treated and fed, still makes their product better than most available in the market.

  3. Hi Sir, How is shuddham organics Ghee? Have you come across it? I see a lot of positive feedback about it on FB. Please review it if possible.
    Thank You.

  4. Ksheerdham is one of the best company producing and supplying Desi ghee or A2 Cow Ghee from Gir cows across Delhi NCR. It is prepared using traditional Bilona method. Ksheerdham has huge dairy farm of Gir cows and have been producing A2 milk and milk products using ancient ways. Ghee and all other milk products are prepared fresh on order and supplied from farm to home every morning.

  5. Hi SAMRAT,

    I have tried Jiva & I recently tried A2 ghee from Two Brothers Organic Farms. It does taste really good. Its 100% organic and from their farmed gazed gir cow. Could you please research and add that in your list. Appreciate the effort and thanks for sharing this list with us.

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